“Stath,” (Stath Lou Pavledes), was born in Athens, Greece. He was brought to the U.S. at an early age by his adoptive father, Louie Pavledes, who was a photographer by trade. His father, specialized in architectural photography. While working with his father Stath learned and acquired his love of art and honed his creative eye. Through architectural photography Stath grew to appreciate spatial relationships, hues, lighting, pigments, and shadow casting.
Additionally, Stath took an interest in design of spaces, buildings, and facilities. He has worked in concert with architects and other designers to design and remodel residential and commercial spaces. This interest has been invaluable as a number of Stath’s paintings were specifically executed with some of those spaces in mind.
While Stath’s professional life took a different turn for twenty-five years, the resurrection of his artistic endeavors reflects the passion he felt years ago. Stath is now an abstract expressionism and contemporary artist.